This week's sport section features an article titled "Bonner baseball team learns winning isn't everything" by CS&T columnist John Knebels. He writes about the Friars participation in community service throughout the season and specifically describes their service project last Saturday at Don Guanella School. The school, run by archdiocesan Catholic Social Services, provides residential and rehabilitative services for boys ages 6-21 with developmental disabilites.
Accompanying the story are several touching photos taken by our staff photographer Sarah Webb. Upon seeing these photos for the first time, tears filled my eyes. These high school boys, who could be doing anything else on a Saturday, spent their afternoon playing softball with the DG boys. The genuine happiness in the Bonner boys' eyes is captured in every photo, not to mention the sheer joy displayed by the DG boys.
This experience, like any playoff win or memorable game, will stay with the Bonner boys for a lifetime. Their coach, Joe DeBarberie, and community service coordinator Trish Phillips, should be commended for remembering that winning isn't everything, and that much is to be learned off the field.
To browse the photo gallery or purchase photos from this special day, clicke HERE.
To read the story, click HERE.