Friday, February 20, 2009

Good Sportsmanship

Amid all the bad news that is so effortlessly accessible, it's always nice to see a good story; something heartwarming that makes you restore just a little bit of hope in society.

My boyfriend says he doesn't watch the news because "it's too depressing." And although he sometimes isn't up to speed on current events, I don't blame him.

Below is a story he would appreciate, however, as would anyone who sees joy in the little things in life and finds a deeper meaning in random acts of kindess.

This Associated Press article tells the story of a high school basketball team that truly exemplified good sportsmanship. Yes, good sportsmanship, a phrase we hardly hear anymore. There's nothing about steroids or contracts or trade deadlines or egos, just some basketball players and their coach who chose to do the right thing, even it just meant missing two freethrows.

Read the story here.

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