Thursday, October 16, 2008


About Me

I was born and raised in the Overbook section of Philadelphia. After 18 years, 13 of which spent in Catholic school, I ventured far west to State College, Pa., to attend Penn State University. Somehow, the best four years of my life were suddenly over. I had a journalism degree in my hand and was ready (or had no choice) to face the real world. After a few stints here and there, I found myself at the Catholic Standard & Times, the same paper I eagerly paged through as a child, hoping to indentify at least one face.

My intention for this blog is to post and high light the “Good News.” Much of it will revolve around sports and athletes in our Archdiocese. Some of it may deal with current events, some may be completely random. But no matter the topic, there will undoubtedly be major reminiscing going on about the childhood, upbringing and life experiences I am so fortunate to have had.

The Name

Why school yard stories? When thinking back to grade school, it’s safe to say, a lot happened on the school yard. We could speak louder (my forte), run faster and just be ourselves.

While most of my school yard memories are happy and involve things like kickball and parish carnivals, some take me back to my first taste of clicks and gossip, or my first real “fight” with a friend. Others remind me of what it’s like to stand outside and pray with 250 people, proudly displaying our Catholic faith to those who passed by. And others still make me laugh out loud. (Ms. D dropping the bell on my classmate’s head to be discussed at a later date.)

Hopefully, this blog will not only let me talk about myself but, more importantly, about the great things going on in our Archdiocese! (Note: they don’t have to take place in the school yard.)

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