Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Waiting Game

They say patience is a virtue.

And now, more than ever, I agree. The past two days have made me feel like I was in high school again... in eighth period... on the last day of school before summer vacation. It's hard to think about anything but what lies ahead.

Bud Selig and controversy aside, I can't imagine how the Phillies and Rays feel right now, being stuck in a 2-day mid-inning hiatus. Whether it should have gotten to this point in the first place is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that the Phils have to pick up where they left off in a game that was stopped over 40 hours ago and, hopefully, win the World Series.

1 comment:

sezone said...

28 years and the waiting, wishing and hoping are over. The Phillies are the World Series Champions. Hats off to all the Fightin' Phils,the loyal fans and the many supporters for their long standing faithfulness. Let's keep looking up and savor the moment.